Gastronomy, Heritage, Culture, Tourism and Traditions
aveurs d’Histoire will take you along at all stages of your culinary trip.
We have developed an organisation entirely dedicated to the well-being and the satisfaction of our customers.
Pride of our heritage and craftsmen of tasty food, our team will guide you for a wonderful escape in history, delightful and full of surprises.
Let’s have a virtual meeting to organize your fabulous and tasty trip in French cooking History
« Convier quelqu’un, c’est se charger de son bonheur pendant tout le temps qu’il est sous votre toit. »
– Anthelme Brillat-Savarin –
Saveurs d’Histoire
21 rue Barrier
69006 Lyon
Olivier Dufourt
+ 33 6 33 83 38 13
Laurent Gaubout
+ 33 6 20 89 34 73